2. Leave for class early - It can take longer to get across campus that you originally thought, especially with 40,000 other students trying to do the same thing! Leave your room 5-10 mins earlier than you planned, that gives you time to get lost, wait on the bus or stop for coffee before that 8am class! If you get to class early, great, take the time to get settled and possibly open the textbook.
3. Be friendly and nice - Every new college student is nervous the first week. It's important to be friendly to everyone; other first years, seniors, professors, TA's, etc. They may be able to help you survive this journey. Will you like everyone or be friends with everyone on campus? No, but they may have some valuable information that you need (i.e I bet the professor knows what is going to be on the exams.....that a good friend to have!)
4. Sit front and center - Statistics show that students who sit front and center will have higher GPA's than students who don't. Front and center of the classroom might not mean the "physcial" front and center of the room, but of where your professor spends most of their time while lecturing. Sit in their sight line, be prepared for class and pay attention. Pretty soon you will notice the professor is teaching directly to you!
5. Have a calendar and USE IT! - Your calendar can be a physcial book or on your phone, either way you must use it for it to be effective. College can be a stressful time, make it easier by planning out your time. Put everything in your calendar, when your classes are, time to study, time to eat, sleep and relax. Your schedule will fill up quickly with social activities, student organization meetings and classes so it's important to keep it all straight and not to forget about the exam coming up next week!