WEPO Details
During WEPO, participants will stay at the Atherton Hotel with upper-level women engineering
mentors. You also get to move into your residence hall on Wednesday morning, ahead of other University Park Students. All activities, room and board during WEPO are provided by the Penn State Women in Engineering Program. Participants pay only $150 regristration fee. (Fee waivers are available for those with demostrated need.)
Why participate in WEPO?
Participants will:
- Build a partnership with a successful upper-level WEP mentor
- Acclimate to resources, engineering software, and on-line course management tools
- Learn success strategies for academic achievement and personal wellness
- Participate in a a professional networking reception and career dinner
- Make friends with women in your classes and dorms
- Engage in a hands-on engineering design project
- Build your first techincal resume
- Network with faculty, staff, alumni and students
- Move into residence halls early (University Park campus only)